Recognizing December 1, 2015, as "World AIDS Day," fostering public awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and remembering the millions of individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and the global challenges associated with eradicating this deadly disease.

HR 598 Recognizing December 1, 2015, as "World AIDS Day," fostering public awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and remembering the millions of individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and the global challenges associated with eradicating this deadly disease

Pennsylvania 2015-2016 Regular Session

Recognizing December 1, 2015, as "World AIDS Day," fostering public awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and remembering the millions of individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and the global challenges associated with eradicating this deadly disease.

About HR-598

A Resolution recognizing December 1, 2015, as "World AIDS Day," fostering public awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and remembering the millions of individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and the global challenges associated with eradicating this deadly disease.


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