State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan - Termination of Coverage for Retirees - Exemptions and Alterations

HB 490 State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan Termination of Coverage for Retirees Exemptions and Alterations

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan - Termination of Coverage for Retirees - Exemptions and Alterations

About HB-490

Authorizing certain retirees, spouses, and dependent children to elect coverage under the State prescription drug benefit plan; altering to January 1, 2020, the date by which the State is required to discontinue coverage under the State prescription drug benefit plan for certain Medicare-eligible retirees, spouses, and dependent children; exempting certain retirees, spouses, and dependent children from the requirement for the State to terminate coverage under the State prescription drug benefit plan for certain individuals; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/01/2019

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