Disability Employment Incentive Act

S 255 Disability Employment Incentive Act

US Congress 116th Congress

Disability Employment Incentive Act

About S.255

Expands tax credits and deductions that are available for employers who hire and retain employees with disabilities. The bill expands the work opportunity tax credit to include the hiring of employees who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. For employers who hire vocational rehabilitation referrals, Supplemental Security Income recipients, or SSDI recipients, the bill also

  • (1) increases the amount of wages that may be taken into account for the credit, and
  • (2) allows an additional credit for second-year wages

With respect to the tax credit for expenditures by eligible small businesses to provide access to disabled individuals, the bill increases the limits that apply to

  • (1) the amount of expenditures that are eligible for the credit, and
  • (2) the gross receipts and full-time employees of eligible small businesses

The bill also expands the tax deduction for expenditures to remove architectural and transportation barriers to the handicapped and elderly. The bill modifies the deduction to

  • (1) increase limitation on the amount of the deduction, and
  • (2) allow the deduction to be used for certain improvements in the accessibility of Internet or telecommunications services to handicapped and elderly individuals.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/07/2019

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