AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62 and Title 66, Chapter 5, Part 1, relative to surveyors.

HB 2072 AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62 and Title 66, Chapter 5, Part 1, relative to surveyors

Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62 and Title 66, Chapter 5, Part 1, relative to surveyors.

About HB-2072

As introduced, requires a description of real property by metes and bounds contained within any deed of conveyance of real property of any property not previously described in a recorded instrument to be prepared by a registered land surveyor. - Amends TCA Title 62 and Title 66, Chapter 5, Part 1.


Bill Texts

Draft 01/31/2024

Draft 01/24/2024

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Assigned To S/c Business & Utilities Subcommittee


P2c, Ref. To Commerce Committee


Intro., P1c.


Filed For Introduction

