Human services: medical services; general changes to the medical assistance program; provide for. Amends secs. 105d & 106 of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.105d & 400.106) & repeals secs. 105c & 105f of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.105c & 400.105f).

HB 4495 Human services: medical services; general changes to the medical assistance program; provide for Amends secs 105d & 106 of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400 105d & 400 106) & repeals secs 105c & 105f of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400 105c & 400 105f)

Michigan 102nd Legislature

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Chaptered 07/27/2023

Enrolled 07/07/2023

Engrossed 06/27/2023

Engrossed 06/13/2023

Introduced 05/02/2023

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