Dogs and cats; financing for rental, sale, etc., prohibited.

HB 2417 Dogs and cats; financing for rental, sale, etc , prohibited

Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Dogs and cats; financing for rental, sale, etc., prohibited.

About HB-2417

Financing of dogs and cats prohibited. Prohibits financial institutions, access partners, or covered persons, as defined in relevant law, from offering, arranging, brokering, negotiating, placing, finding, or servicing in Virginia any type of loan, credit, or financing agreement for the financing, rental, lease, sale, or other transfer of a dog or cat. Current law prohibits financial institutions from offering a loan or financing agreement for the rental, lease, or sale of a dog or cat where the animal is subject to repossession upon default under the terms of the financing agreement. The bill also adds the financing of a dog or cat to a Virginia consumer as a prohibited activity. Current law prohibits the rental or leasing of a dog or cat to a Virginia consumer.


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Introduced 01/18/2023

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