State Government - Acknowledgments, Oaths, and Affirmations - Recordations and Notarizations

HB 939 State Government Acknowledgments, Oaths, and Affirmations Recordations and Notarizations

Maryland 2017 Regular Session

State Government - Acknowledgments, Oaths, and Affirmations - Recordations and Notarizations

About HB-939

Authorizing a notary public to perform notarial acts electronically; requiring a specified notary public to register with the Secretary of State before performing specified electronic notarizations; requiring the Secretary to develop a specified registration form for an electronic notary; requiring an electronic notary to reregister with the Secretary under specified circumstances; specifying requirements for electronic notarizations; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/07/2017

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Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn


Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Health And Government Operations
