SB 149 Community paramedics, community emergency medical technicians, community emergency medical services providers, and services provided by emergency medical technicians (FE)
Wisconsin 2017-2018 Regular Session
Community paramedics, community emergency medical technicians, community emergency medical services providers, and services provided by emergency medical technicians. (FE)
About SB-149
An Act to amend 256.01
(3) and 256.12
(2) (a); and to create 256.04 (10), 256.15 (6p), 256.205, 256.21 and 256.215 of the statutes; Relating to: community paramedics, community emergency medical technicians, community emergency medical services providers, and services provided by emergency medical technicians
SB-149: Community paramedics, community emergency medical technicians, community emergency medical services providers, and services provided by emergency medical technicians. (FE)
You have voted SB-149: Community paramedics, community emergency medical technicians, community emergency medical services providers, and services provided by emergency medical technicians. (FE).