Health occupations: veterinarians; veterinarian-client-patient relationship; require and provide for other amendments to the regulation of veterinary medicine. Amends secs. 16215, 16283, 16286, 16287, 16288, 18802, 18805, 18811, 18812 & 18814 of 1978 PA 368 (MCLO 333.16215 et seq.); adds secs. 18811a, 18818, 18819 & 18829 & repeals sec. 16284 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16284).

HB 4912 Health occupations: veterinarians; veterinarian client patient relationship; require and provide for other amendments to the regulation of veterinary medicine Amends secs 16215, 16283, 16286, 16287, 16288, 18802, 18805, 18811, 18812 & 18814 of 1978 PA 368 (MCLO 333 16215 et seq ); adds secs 18811a, 18818, 18819 & 18829 & repeals sec 16284 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333 16284)

Michigan 101st Legislature

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Engrossed 03/17/2022

Introduced 05/25/2021

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