Provides that for the two thousand twenty-two--two thousand twenty-three school year, the two thousand twenty-three--two thousand twenty-four school year, and the two thousand twenty-four--two thousand twenty-five school year, surplus funds as used in this subdivision shall mean any operating funds in excess of five percent of the current school year budget, and shall not include funds properly retained under other sections of law.

AB 3498 Provides that for the two thousand twenty two two thousand twenty three school year, the two thousand twenty three two thousand twenty four school year, and the two thousand twenty four two thousand twenty five school year, surplus funds as used in this subdivision shall mean any operating funds in excess of five percent of the current school year budget, and shall not include funds properly retained under other sections of law

New York 2021-2022 General Assembly

Provides that for the two thousand twenty-two--two thousand twenty-three school year, the two thousand twenty-three--two thousand twenty-four school year, and the two thousand twenty-four--two thousand twenty-five school year, surplus funds as used in this subdivision shall mean any operating funds in excess of five percent of the current school year budget, and shall not include funds properly retained under other sections of law.

About AB-3498

Provides that for the two thousand twenty-two--two thousand twenty-three school year, the two thousand twenty-three--two thousand twenty-four school year, and the two thousand twenty-four--two thousand twenty-five school year, surplus funds as used in this subdivision shall mean any operating funds in excess of five percent of the current school year budget, and shall not include funds properly retained under other sections of law.


Bill Texts

Amended 01/27/2021

Introduced 01/27/2021

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Assembly Real Property Taxation Committee: Favorable refer to committee Ways and Means


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Amend And Recommit To Real Property Taxation


Print Number 3498a


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