Firefighter Cancer Registry Act

S 2799 Firefighter Cancer Registry Act

US Congress 114th Congress

Firefighter Cancer Registry Act

About S.2799

Firefighter Cancer Registry Act This bill requires the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop and maintain a voluntary patient registry to monitor, collect, and make available epidemiological information related to cancer incidence and trends among firefighters. The CDC should seek to include specified information in the registry, including the number and types of fire incidents attended by an individual. To collect information for the registry, the CDC may incorporate questions into existing public health surveys, questionnaires, and other databases. The CDC must:

  • (1) encourage the inclusion in the registry of data on minority, female, and volunteer firefighters; and
  • (2) seek feedback on the registry from nonfederal experts

The CDC must develop an approval process for making registry data available for research without a fee if findings or publications derived from the research are made public or available to stakeholders.


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Introduced 04/22/2016

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