Housing Homeless Veterans Act of 2017

HB 3389 Housing Homeless Veterans Act of 2017

US Congress 115th Congress

Housing Homeless Veterans Act of 2017

About HB-3389

Housing Homeless Veterans Act of 2017 7 This bill amends the United States Housing Act of 1937 to require the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in making Veterans Affairs-Supported Housing (VASH) program funds available among public-housing agencies (PHAs) for rental voucher assistance for homeless veterans who have chronic mental illnesses or chronic substance-use disorders, to give priority to PHAs that:

  • (1) serve areas having the highest numbers of homeless veterans, and
  • (2) have fully utilized their available HUD-VASH funds for the preceding fiscal year and have demonstrated need for such incremental assistance

HUD shall:

  • (1) recapture from a PHA certain unused HUD-VASH assistance, and
  • (2) reallocate recaptured amounts to PHAs that have used their entire allocations of HUD-VASH assistance.


Bill Texts

Introduced 08/04/2017

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