Prohibits the legislature from increasing the salary or allowance payable to members of the legislature by a law enacted during the period running from the date of the general election until 12/31 in any year in which members are elected to the legislature.

AB 6216 Prohibits the legislature from increasing the salary or allowance payable to members of the legislature by a law enacted during the period running from the date of the general election until 12/31 in any year in which members are elected to the legislature

New York 2013-2014 General Assembly

Prohibits the legislature from increasing the salary or allowance payable to members of the legislature by a law enacted during the period running from the date of the general election until 12/31 in any year in which members are elected to the legislature.

About AB-6216

Prohibits the legislature from increasing the salary or allowance payable to members of the legislature by a law enacted during the period running from the date of the general election until 12/31 in any year in which members are elected to the legislature.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/31/1969

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