Noxious weeds; amends definition to exclude plants that are commercially significant.

HB 491 Noxious weeds; amends definition to exclude plants that are commercially significant

Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Noxious weeds; amends definition to exclude plants that are commercially significant.

About HB-491

Noxious weeds. Amends the definition of "noxious weeds" to exclude plants that are commercially significant, directs the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services (the Board) to implement a phase out period when a new plant is listed as a noxious weed, directs the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to provide signs to nurseries and retail plant outlets listing invasive plants sold in the Commonwealth, and authorizes the Board to adopt regulations for permits required to move noxious weeds, or a part thereof, into or within the Commonwealth. The bill also directs the Department of Conservation and Recreation to update its invasive species list by January 1, 2024, and every four years thereafter.


Bill Texts

Comm Sub 02/02/2022

Prefiled 01/11/2022

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Committee Substitute Printed To Lis Only 22105331d-h1


Continued To 2023 With Substitute In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources By Voice Vote


Subcommittee Recommends Continuing To 2023 With Substitute By Voice Vote


Assigned Acnr Sub: Agriculture


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/12/22 22104153d


Committee Referral Pending


Referred To Committee On Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources
