Urging the United States Congress to revise the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 so that the State of Texas may exclude the assessment scores of recently arrived limited English proficiency students from adequate yearly progress determinations for a period of three years following the students' initial enrollment and so that the exclusion period for LEP students who enter Texas schools in grades 10 and higher concludes prior to the students' final year of schooling.

HCR 37 Urging the United States Congress to revise the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 so that the State of Texas may exclude the assessment scores of recently arrived limited English proficiency students from adequate yearly progress determinations for a period of three years following the students' initial enrollment and so that the exclusion period for LEP students who enter Texas schools in grades 10 and higher concludes prior to the students' final year of schooling

Texas 82nd Legislature Regular Session

Urging the United States Congress to revise the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 so that the State of Texas may exclude the assessment scores of recently arrived limited English proficiency students from adequate yearly progress determinations for a period of three years following the students' initial enrollment and so that the exclusion period for LEP students who enter Texas schools in grades 10 and higher concludes prior to the students' final year of schooling.

About HCR-37

Urging the United States Congress to revise the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 so that the State of Texas may exclude the assessment scores of recently arrived limited English proficiency students from adequate yearly progress determinations for a period of three years following the students' initial enrollment and so that the exclusion period for LEP students who enter Texas schools in grades 10 and higher concludes prior to the students' final year of schooling.


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