Alcoholic Beverages - On-Premises Promotions and Product Sampling - Holders of Manufacturer's Licenses

SB 325 Alcoholic Beverages On Premises Promotions and Product Sampling Holders of Manufacturer's Licenses

Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Alcoholic Beverages - On-Premises Promotions and Product Sampling - Holders of Manufacturer's Licenses

About SB-325

Altering a specified exception to allow a holder of any Maryland manufacturer's license to bring specified products onto a retail licensed premises for on-premises promotions and product sampling under specified circumstances; and making an exception to a provision of law that prohibits an individual from consuming on the licensed premises of a license holder a specified alcoholic beverage.


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Introduced 01/24/2017

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Hearing 2/24 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs
