HR 135 Honoring the life and service of Robert "Bob" Bradley, Jr , who valiantly committed himself to a lifelong pursuit of protecting others, and extending condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by him
Pennsylvania 2015-2016 Regular Session
Honoring the life and service of Robert "Bob" Bradley, Jr., who valiantly committed himself to a lifelong pursuit of protecting others, and extending condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by him.
About HR-135
A Resolution honoring the life and service of Robert "Bob" Bradley, Jr., who valiantly committed himself to a lifelong pursuit of protecting others, and extending condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by him.
HR-135: Honoring the life and service of Robert "Bob" Bradley, Jr., who valiantly committed himself to a lifelong pursuit of protecting others, and extending condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by him.
You have voted HR-135: Honoring the life and service of Robert "Bob" Bradley, Jr., who valiantly committed himself to a lifelong pursuit of protecting others, and extending condolences to those whose lives were positively impacted by him..