In assault, further providing for the offense of stalking; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions; in child custody, further providing for consideration of criminal conviction; in domestic and sexual violence victim address confidentiality, further providing for penalties; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second and subsequent offenses.

HB 854 In assault, further providing for the offense of stalking; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions; in child custody, further providing for consideration of criminal conviction; in domestic and sexual violence victim address confidentiality, further providing for penalties; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second and subsequent offenses

Pennsylvania 2019-2020 Regular Session

In assault, further providing for the offense of stalking; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions; in child custody, further providing for consideration of criminal conviction; in domestic and sexual violence victim address confidentiality, further providing for penalties; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second and subsequent offenses.

About HB-854

An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 23 (Domestic Relations) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for the offense of stalking; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions; in child custody, further providing for consideration of criminal conviction; in domestic and sexual violence victim address confidentiality, further providing for penalties; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second and subsequent offenses.

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