Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy Act of 2010

HB 4748 Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy Act of 2010

US Congress 111th Congress

Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy Act of 2010

About HB-4748

Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy Act of 2010 - Amends the Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2006 to require the Director of National Drug Control Policy, not later than 180 days after the enactment of this Act and every two years thereafter, to develop and submit to specified congressional committees a Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy. Requires such Strategy to:

  • (1) set forth the strategy of the federal government for preventing the illegal trafficking of drugs across the international border between the United States and Canada, including through and between ports of entry;
  • (2) state the specific roles and responsibilities of each relevant National Drug Control Program agency for implementing the strategy;
  • (3) identify the specific resources required to enable the relevant agencies to implement the strategy;
  • (4) reflect the unique nature of small communities along the border, ongoing cooperation and coordination with Canadian law enforcement authorities, and variations in the volumes of vehicles and pedestrians crossing through ports of entry along the border; and
  • (5) include a strategy to end the illegal trafficking of drugs to or through Indian reservations on or near the border.


Bill Texts

Amended 12/21/2010

Enrolled 12/22/2010

Engrossed 11/26/2010

Introduced 11/26/2010

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