Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011

HB 3082 Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011

US Congress 111th Congress

Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011

About HB-3082

Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011 - Continuing Appropriations Amendments, 2011 - Title I: Continuing Appropriations Amendments -

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Section 1

Amends the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 (P.L. 111-242) to extend through March 4, 2011, specified continuing appropriations for FY2011. Declares that no statutory pay adjustment which would otherwise take effect between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2012, shall be made. (Thus freezes the pay of certain federal civilian employees for two calendar years.) Prohibits, during such period, a senior executive or senior-level employee from receiving an increase in the rate of basic pay absent a change of position that results in a substantial increase in responsibility or a promotion. Applies the Non-Foreign Retirement Equity Assurance Act of 2009, using the appropriate locality-based comparability payments established by the President as the applicable comparability payments in such Act. Provides additional funds for the Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Continues in effect through the earlier of March 4, 2011, or the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, specified authorities under:

  • (1) the Ronald W

Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005, as amended by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (NDAA for FY2010);

  • (2) the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004, as amended by the NDAA for FY2010;
  • (3) the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998, as amended by the NDAA for FY2010;
  • (4) the NDAA for FY2010;
  • (5) the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2008; and
  • (6) the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2007

Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy, subject to the availability of appropriations, to award a contract or contracts for up to 20 Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). Extends through:

  • (1) December 31, 2011, the authority for certain individuals to elect continued health benefits coverage for up to 18 months after an involuntary separation, or voluntary separation due to a reduction in force; and
  • (2) February 12, 2012, the same authority, if specific notice of separation was given to an individual before December 31, 2011

Provides additional funding for the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Amends the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to extend until March 4, 2011, the suspension of fees under the Small Business Act 7(a) program (Small Business Administration [SBA]-guaranteed loans to small businesses) and the 504 program (financing to small businesses backed by SBA-guaranteed debentures). Extends through such date SBA authority to guarantee up to 90% of qualifying small business loans made by eligible lenders. Terminates the SBA loan guarantee program on March 4, 2010. Extends appropriations for the program through such date. Limits to up to $4.5 million the maximum guaranteed amount outstanding to the borrower. Deems the appropriation to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a regular appropriation for purposes of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Amends the Universal Service Antideficiency Temporary Suspension Act to extend through December 31, 2011, the prohibition on applying certain requirements relating to limitations on expending, obligating, or apportioning appropriations to the collection or receipt of federal universal (telecommunications) service contributions or their expenditure or obligation for universal service support programs. Makes amounts available in this Act for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) available for transfer between and within TSA appropriations to avoid furloughs or reductions in force (RIFs), or to provide funding necessary for programs and activities required by law. Transfers, subject to specified conditions, certain funds between Coast Guard appropriations. Nullifies the authorization for obligation of certain Science and Technology, Research, Development, Acquisition, and Operations appropriations in the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2010 for the National Bio - and Agro-defense Facilities. Provides additional funds for FY2010 for the Department of the Interior–Minerals Management Service–Royalty and Offshore Minerals Management in the manner authorized in the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010. Reduces specified amounts for FY2011. Authorizes the Secretary of the Interior, in order to implement a reorganization of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, to take necessary administrative actions in conformance with certain reprogramming procedures. Declares that certain disposition requirements of the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 for geothermal energy receipts shall have no force or effect; but that related requirements of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010 shall apply for FY2011, namely that:

  • (1) the Secretary of the Treasury use 50% and 25% of such receipts to make payments to states and counties within which the leased land and geothermal resources are located; and
  • (2) the remaining 25% shall be deposited in miscellaneous receipts

Requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to obligate through March 4, 2011, the same amount of funds made available by the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 for payments under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 as was obligated during FY2010. Defines as a "highly qualified teacher" any teacher who meets the requirements of specified federal regulations. Provides additional funding for the Department of Education, Student Financial Assistance to carry out the Pell Grant Program under the Higher Education Act of 1965. Specifies $4,860 as the maximum Pell Grant for which a student may be eligible during award year 2011-2012. Ratifies the use of any funds appropriated to the U.S. Capitol Police during FY2003 for transfer to the Working Capital Fund relating to the truck Interdiction Monitoring Program. Provides additional funds for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Departmental Administration, General Operating Expenses at a specified rate for operations, with certain amounts earmarked for the Veterans Benefits Administration. Title II: Extension of Current Surface Transportation Programs - Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010, Part II -

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Section 2001

Directs the Secretary of Transportation to reduce the amount apportioned for a surface transportation program, project, or activity for FY2011 by amounts apportioned or allocated under the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010 for the period October 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010. Subtitle A: Federal-Aid Highways -

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Section 2101

Amends the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010 to extend through March 4, 2011, the authorization of appropriations out of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) (other than the Mass Transit Account) for the period of October 1, 2010 - March 4, 2011, for the federal-aid highway, surface transportation research, and transportation planning programs under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Limits obligational authority for the programs to 155/365 of the total authorized for them for FY2009. Continues in effect through March 4, 2011, the requirements, authorities, conditions, eligibilities, limitations, and other provisions authorized by specified federal transportation law. Extends the allocation of certain transportation program funds to states for specified programs (except the high priority projects program) under the Equity bonus program. Extends through March 4, 2011, the authorization of appropriations, at increased amounts, for federal-aid highway program administrative expenses. Subtitle B: Extension of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and Additional Programs -

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Section 2201

Amends the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) to extend through March 4, 2011, the authorization of appropriations for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) safety programs, including:

  • (1) highway safety research and development;
  • (2) the occupant protection incentive grant program;
  • (3) the safety belt performance grant program;
  • (4) state traffic safety information system improvements;
  • (5) the alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures incentive grant program;
  • (6) the National Driver Register;
  • (7) the high visibility enforcement program;
  • (8) motorcyclist safety;
  • (9) the child safety and child booster seat safety incentive grant program; and (10) NHTSA administrative expenses

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Section 2202

Extends through March 4, 2011, the authorization of appropriations for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) programs, including:

  • (1) motor carrier safety grants;
  • (2) FMCSA administrative expenses;
  • (3) commercial driver's license program improvement grants;
  • (4) border enforcement grants;
  • (5) performance and registration information system management grants;
  • (6) commercial vehicle information systems and networks deployment grants;
  • (7) safety data improvement grants;
  • (8) a set-aside for high priority activities that improve commercial motor vehicle safety and compliance with commercial motor vehicle safety regulations;
  • (9) a set-aside for new entrant motor carrier audit grants; (10) commercial driver's license information system modernization; (11) FMCSA and NHTSA outreach and education; (12) the commercial motor vehicle operators grant program; (13) the FMCSA's Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee; and (14) the working group for development of practices and procedures to enhance federal-state relations

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Section 2203

Extends through March 4, 2011, the funding for hazardous materials (hazmat) research projects. Amends the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to extend through March 4, 2011, the authorization of appropriations, and the current requirements for their distribution, for fish restoration and management projects. Extends the set-aside for administrative expenses for carrying out such projects. Extends for one year the surface transportation project delivery pilot program. Authorizes the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary in this title) to use future strategic highway research program funds to implement research products related to the program, including development, demonstration, evaluation, and technology transfer activities. Subtitle C: Public Transportation Programs -

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Section 2301

Extends through March 4, 2011, the allocation of capital investment grant funds for federal transit programs, including the metropolitan planning program and the state planning and research program.

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Section 2302

Extends the special rule authority of the Secretary to award urbanized area formula grants to finance the operating cost of equipment and facilities for use in public transportation in an urbanized area with a population of at least 200,000.

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Section 2303

Allocates through March 4, 2011, certain amounts for formula and bus grants and capital investment grants for:

  • (1) certain new fixed guideway capital projects of under $75 million;
  • (2) new fixed guideway ferry systems and extension projects in Alaska and Hawaii;
  • (3) payments to the Denali Commission for docks, waterfront development projects, and related transportation infrastructure;
  • (4) ferry boats or ferry terminal facilities;
  • (5) a set-aside for the national fuel cell bus technology development program;
  • (6) projects in nonurbanized areas;
  • (7) intermodal terminal projects; and
  • (8) bus testing

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Section 2304

Extends through March 4, 2011, the apportionments of:

  • (1) nonurbanized area formula grants for public transportation on Indian reservations; and
  • (2) capital investment grant funds for certain fixed guideway modernization projects

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Section 2306

Extends through March 4, 2011, the authorization appropriations from the HTF Mass Transit Account for:

  • (1) formula and bus grant projects, including allocations for specified projects;
  • (2) capital investment grants;
  • (3) transit research, including allocations for transit cooperative research programs, the National Transit Institute, the university centers program, transportation projects to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the National Technical Assistance Center for senior transportation, and national research programs; and
  • (4) administration expenses

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Section 2307

Extends through March 4, 2011, certain SAFETEA-LU programs, including:

  • (1) the contracted paratransit pilot program;
  • (2) the public-private partnership pilot program;
  • (3) project authorizations for final design and construction and preliminary engineering of specified fixed guideway projects; and
  • (4) the elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities pilot program

Increases the obligation ceiling of amounts made available from the HTF Mass Transit Account. Extends through March 4, 2011, certain allocations for national research and technology programs.

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Section 2308

Extends obligation authority of the Highway Category and the Mass Transit Category through March 4, 2011. Subtitle D: Extension of Expenditure Authority -

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Section 2401

Extends through March 5, 2011, authorities for expenditures from the:

  • (1) HTF Highway and Mass Transit accounts; and
  • (2) Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund.


Bill Texts

Amended 12/10/2010

Enrolled 12/22/2010

Amended 11/25/2010

Introduced 11/24/2010

Introduced 11/26/2010

Amended 12/22/2010

Engrossed 11/27/2010

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Sponsors (1)

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Bill Sponsors


Signed By President.


Became Public Law No: 111-322.


Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S10852-10853, S10853, S10868, S10885)


S.amdt.4885 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S10852, S10868)


S.amdt.4886 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S10852, S10885)


S.amdt.4887 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S10852)


S.amdt.4888 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S10852)


S.amdt.4889 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S10853)


S.amdt.4885 Cloture On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To The Bill (h.r. 3082) With An Amendment (sa 4885) Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 82 - 14. Record Vote Number: 288. (consideration: Cr S10853; Text: Cr S10853)


Motion By Senator Reid To Refer To Senate Committee On Appropriations The House Message To Accompany The Bill (h.r. 3082) With Instructions To Report Back Forthwith With An Amendment (sa 4887) Fell When Cloture Was Invoked On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To The Bill (h.r. 3082) With An Amendment (sa 4885) In Senate.


S.amdt.4887 Sa 4887 Fell When Cloture Invoked On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To The Bill (h.r. 3082) With An Amendment (sa 4885).


S.amdt.4888 Sa 4888 Fell When Sa 4887 Fell.


S.amdt.4889 Sa 4889 Fell When Sa 4888 Fell.


S.amdt.4886 Proposed Amendment Sa 4886 Withdrawn In Senate. (consideration: Cr S10885)


Senate Concurred In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To The Bill (h.r. 3082) With An Amendment (sa 4885) By Yea-nay Vote. 79 - 16. Record Vote Number: 289.


S.amdt.4885 Amendment Sa 4885 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 79 - 16. Record Vote Number: 289.


Message On Senate Action Sent To The House.


Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 1782, The Chair Recognized Mr. Obey For A Motion.


Mr. Obey Moved That The House Agree To The Senate Amendment To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment. (consideration: Cr H8905-8915)


Debate - The House Proceeded With 1 Hour Of Debate On The Motion To Agree To The Senate Amendment To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 3082.


The Previous Question Was Ordered Pursuant To The Rule. (consideration: Cr H8914)


On Motion That The House Agree To The Senate Amendment To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: 193 - 165 (roll No. 662). (text As House Agreed To Senate Amendment To House Amendment To Senate Amendment: Cr H8905-8908)


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Cleared For White House.


Presented To President.


Motion By Senator Reid To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To The Bill (h.r. 3082) With An Amendment (sa 4885) Made In The Senate. (consideration: Cr S10770-10771)


S.amdt.4885 Amendment Sa 4885 Proposed By Senator Reid. (consideration: Cr S10770)in The Nature Of A Substitute.


S.amdt.4885 Cloture Motion On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To The Bill (h.r. 3082) With An Amendment (sa 4885) Presented In Senate. (consideration: Cr S10770-10771; Text: Cr S10771)


S.amdt.4886 Amendment Sa 4886 Proposed By Senator Reid To Amendment Sa 4885. (consideration: Cr S10771; Text: Cr S10771)to Change The Enactment Date.


Motion By Senator Reid To Refer To Senate Committee On Appropriations The House Message To Accompany The Bill (h.r. 3082) With Instructions To Report Back Forthwith With An Amendment (sa 4887) Made In Senate.


S.amdt.4887 Amendment Sa 4887 Proposed By Senator Reid. (consideration: Cr S10771; Text: Cr S10771)to Provide For A Study.


S.amdt.4888 Amendment Sa 4888 Proposed By Senator Reid To Amendment Sa 4887. (consideration: Cr S10771; Text: Cr S10771)of A Perfecting Nature.


S.amdt.4889 Amendment Sa 4889 Proposed By Senator Reid To Amendment Sa 4888. (consideration: Cr S10771; Text: Cr S10771)of A Perfecting Nature.


S.amdt.4805 Amedment Sa 4805 Ordered To Be Printed.


Message On House Action Received In Senate And At Desk: House Amendment To Senate Amendment.


Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 1755 Reported To House. Rule Provides For Consideration Of H.r. 3082 With 1 Hour Of General Debate. The Resolution Makes In Order A Motion To Concur In The Senate Amendment To H.r. 3082. It Waives All Points Of Order Against Consideration Of The Motion. The Resolution Provides That The Senate Amendment And The Motion Shall Be Considered As Read.


Rule H. Res. 1755 Passed House.


Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 1755, The House Moved To Agree With An Amendment To The Senate Amendment. (consideration: Cr H8152-8213, H8220-8221)


Debate - The House Proceeded With One Hour Of Debate On Agreeing To The Senate Amendment With An Amendment To H.r. 3082.


Postponed Proceedings - At The Conclusion Of Debate On Agreeing To The Senate Amendment With An Amendment To H.r.3082, The Chair Announced That Further Proceedings Would Be Postponed.


The Previous Question Was Ordered Without Objection. (consideration: Cr H8220)


On Motion That The House Agree With An Amendment To The Senate Amendment Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: 212 - 206 (roll No. 622). (text As House Agreed To Senate Amendment With An Amendment: Cr H8152-8203)


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Message On Senate Action Sent To The House.


Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11403-11407, S11407-11411)


S.amdt.2730 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11403, S11407-11411)


S.amdt.2733 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11403, S11405)


S.amdt.2748 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11403, S11405-11406)


S.amdt.2754 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11403, S11404)


S.amdt.2774 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11403, S11407-11409)


S.amdt.2754 Amendment Sa 2754 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent. (text As Modified: Cr S11404)


S.amdt.2763 Amendment Sa 2763 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Cochran To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11405, S11406; Text: Cr S11405)to Provide For The Modification Of A Restriction Of Alienation Of Certain Real Property In Gulfport, Mississippi.


S.amdt.2763 Amendment Sa 2763 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2733 Amendment Sa 2733 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 98 - 1. Record Vote Number: 346.


S.amdt.2748 Amendment Sa 2748 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote. (text As Modified: Cr S11405-11406)


S.amdt.2775 Amendment Sa 2775 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Warner To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11403, S11406)to Require A Study On The Capacity Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs To Address Combat Stress In Women Veterans.


S.amdt.2777 Amendment Sa 2777 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Klobuchar To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11406-11407; Text: Cr S11406-11407)to Require A Study To Identify The Improvements To The Information Technology Infrastructure Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs That Are Required To Furnish Health Care Services To Veterans Using Telehealth Platforms.


S.amdt.2783 Amendment Sa 2783 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Boxer To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11407)to Make Available From Medical Services, $1,000,000 For Education Debt Reduction For Mental Health Care Professionals Who Agree To Employment At The Department Of Veterans Affairs.


S.amdt.2775 Amendment Sa 2775 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent. (text As Modified: Cr S11406)


S.amdt.2777 Amendment Sa 2777 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2783 Amendment Sa 2783 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent. (text As Modified: Cr S11407)


S.amdt.2774 Motion To Table Amendment Sa 2774 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 57 - 43. Record Vote Number: 347.


S.amdt.2730 Amendment Sa 2730 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


Passed Senate With An Amendment By Yea-nay Vote. 100 - 0. Record Vote Number: 348. (text: Cr 11/18/2009 S11500-11508)


Senate Insists On Its Amendment, Asks For A Conference, Appoints Conferees Johnson; Inouye; Landrieu; Byrd; Murray; Reed; Nelson Ne; Pryor; Leahy; Hutchison; Brownback; Mcconnell; Collins; Murkowski; Cochran. (consideration: Cr S11411)


Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362-11376, S11377-11378)


S.amdt.2730 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362)


S.amdt.2733 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362)


S.amdt.2737 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11377-11378; Text As Modified: Cr S11377)


S.amdt.2740 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11377-11378)


S.amdt.2741 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11377-11378; Text As Modified: Cr S11377)


S.amdt.2745 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11377-11378; Text As Modified: Cr S11377)


S.amdt.2752 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11377-11378)


S.amdt.2754 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362)


S.amdt.2757 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11369-11371)


S.amdt.2759 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11377-11378)


S.amdt.2760 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362, S11377-11378)


S.amdt.2774 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362)


S.amdt.2779 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11362)


S.amdt.2781 Amendment Sa 2781 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Durbin To Amendment Sa 2779. (consideration: Cr S11362-11363; Text: Cr S11362)to Change The Enactment Date.


S.amdt.2746 Amendment Sa 2746 Proposed By Senator Feingold To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11362-11364, S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11364)to Require Reporting On Alternatives To Major Construction Projects Related To The Security Of Strategic Nuclear Weapons Facilities.


S.amdt.2748 Amendment Sa 2748 Proposed By Senator Feingold To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11364-11369; Text: Cr S11364)to Make Available $5,000,000 For Grants To Community-based Organizations And State And Local Government Entities To Conduct Outreach To Veterans In Under-served Areas.


Motion By Senator Coburn To Commit To Senate Committee On Appropriations With Instructions Made In Senate. (consideration: Cr S11368-11369, S11371; Text: Cr S11368)


S.amdt.2757 Amendment Sa 2757 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 93 - 0. Record Vote Number: 344.


Motion By Senator Coburn To Commit To Senate Committee On Appropriations With Instructions Rejected In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 24 - 69. Record Vote Number: 345.


S.amdt.2741 Amendment Sa 2741 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2759 Amendment Sa 2759 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2760 Amendment Sa 2760 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2740 Amendment Sa 2740 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2752 Amendment Sa 2752 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2746 Amendment Sa 2746 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2737 Amendment Sa 2737 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2745 Amendment Sa 2745 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2747 Amendment Sa 2747 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Feingold To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378)to Make Available $5,000,000 To Improve Outreach And Provision Of Services For Mental Health And Neurological Conditions To Veterans Enrolled In Programs Of Education At Institutions Of Higher Education.


S.amdt.2747 Amendment Sa 2747 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent. (text As Modified: Cr S11377)


S.amdt.2771 Amendment Sa 2771 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Ensign To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378)to Enable State Homes To Furnish Nursing Home Care To Parents Any Of Whose Children Died While Serving In The Armed Forces.


S.amdt.2771 Amendment Sa 2771 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent. (text As Modified: Cr S11377)


S.amdt.2734 Amendment Sa 2734 Proposed By Senator Johnson To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11377-11378)to Require A Report On Bid Savings Realized From Cost And Scope Variations For Military Construction Projects.


S.amdt.2738 Amendment Sa 2738 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Warner. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11378)to Provide For A Study On Transportation Improvements To Accommodate Installation Growth Associated With The 2005 Defense Base Closure And Realignment (brac) Program.


S.amdt.2773 Amendment Sa 2773 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11378)to Designate The Department Of Veterans Affairs Medical Center In Louisville, Kentucky, As The "robley Rex Department Of Veterans Affairs Medical Center".


S.amdt.2753 Amendment Sa 2753 Proposed By Senator Johnson To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11378)to Make A Technical Correction Requested By The Army In The Funding Of Dining Projects At Forwarding Operating Bases In Afghanistan.


S.amdt.2749 Amendment Sa 2749 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Bingaman To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11378)to Provide $37,500,000 Requested By The Air Force For Construction Of An Unmanned Aerial System Field Training Complex At Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, As Authorized By Section 2301(a) Of The Military Construction Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2010 (division B Of Public Law 111-84), And To Provide An Offset.


S.amdt.2751 Amendment Sa 2751 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Cochran To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11378)to Make A Technical Correction For The Air Force At Columbus Afb, Mississippi.


S.amdt.2743 Amendment Sa 2743 Proposed By Senator Johnson For Senator Burr To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11377-11378; Text: Cr S11378)to Provide, With An Offset, An Additional $750,000 For Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Service Programs And Housing Assistance And Supportive Services.


S.amdt.2734 Amendment Sa 2734 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2738 Amendment Sa 2738 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2773 Amendment Sa 2773 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2753 Amendment Sa 2753 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2749 Amendment Sa 2749 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2751 Amendment Sa 2751 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2743 Amendment Sa 2743 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.2779 Proposed Amendment Sa 2779 Withdrawn In Senate. (consideration: Cr S11378)


S.amdt.2781 Sa 2781 Fell When Sa 2779 Was Withdrawn.


Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313-11320, S11320-11334, S11334)


S.amdt.2730 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2733 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2737 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2745 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2754 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2757 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2759 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2760 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11313)


S.amdt.2752 Amendment Sa 2752 Proposed By Senator Johanns To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11313; Text: Cr S11313)prohibiting The Use Of Funds To Fund The Association Of Community Organizations For Reform Now (acorn).


S.amdt.2740 Amendment Sa 2740 Proposed By Senator Akaka To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11320; Text: Cr S11320)to Extend The Authority For A Regional Office Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs In The Republic Of The Philippines.


S.amdt.2741 Amendment Sa 2741 Proposed By Senator Menendez To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11330-11334; Text: Cr S11331)to Provide, With An Offset, An Additional $4,000,000 For Grants To Assist States In Establishing, Expanding, Or Improving State Veterans Cemeteries.


S.amdt.2774 Amendment Sa 2774 Proposed By Senator Demint For Senator Inhofe To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11334; Text: Cr S11334)to Prohibit The Use Of Funds Appropriated Or Otherwise Made Available By This Act To Construct Or Modify A Facility In The United States Or Its Territories To Permanently Or Temporarily Hold Any Individual Held At Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


S.amdt.2779 Amendment Sa 2779 Proposed By Senator Demint To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11334; Text: Cr S11334)to Prohibit The Use Of Funds For The Transfer Or Detention In The United States Of Detainees At Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, If Certain Veterans Programs For Fiscal Year 2010 Are Not Fully Funded.


Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11265-11268, S11268-11273, S11283-284)


S.amdt.2730 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11265)


S.amdt.2737 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11265)


S.amdt.2733 Amendment Sa 2733 Proposed By Senator Johnson To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11267; Text: Cr S11267)to Increase By $50,000,000 The Amount Available For The Department Of Veterans Affairs For Minor Construction Projects For The Purpose Of Converting Unused Department Of Veterans Affairs Structures Into Housing With Supportive Services For Homeless Veterans, And To Provide An Offset.


S.amdt.2745 Amendment Sa 2745 Proposed By Senator Franken To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11267-11268; Text: Cr S11268)to Ensure That $5,000,000 Is Available For A Study To Assess The Feasibility And Advisability Of Using Service Dogs For The Treatment Or Rehabilitation Of Veterans With Physical Or Mental Injuries Or Disabilities.


S.amdt.2754 Amendment Sa 2754 Proposed By Senator Inouye To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11269-11270; Text: Cr S11270)to Permit $68,500,000, As Requested By The Missile Defense Agency Of The Department Of Defense, To Be Used For The Construction Of A Test Facility To Support The Phased Adaptive Approach For Missile Defense In Europe, With An Offset.


S.amdt.2757 Amendment Sa 2757 Proposed By Senator Coburn To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11270; Text: Cr S11270)to Require Public Disclosure Of Certain Reports.


S.amdt.2759 Amendment Sa 2759 Proposed By Senator Durbin To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11273; Text: Cr S11273)to Enhance The Ability Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs To Recruit And Retain Health Care Administrators And Providers In Underserved Rural Areas.


S.amdt.2760 Amendment Sa 2760 Proposed By Senator Durbin To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11273; Text: Cr S11273)to Designate The North Chicago Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Illinois, As The "captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center".


Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11239-11245)


S.amdt.2730 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S11239)


S.amdt.2737 Amendment Sa 2737 Proposed By Senator Udall Nm To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11240-11241; Text: Cr S11240)to Make Available From Medical Services, $150,000,000 For Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Service Programs.


Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S11187-11191)


S.amdt.2730 Amendment Sa 2730 Proposed By Senator Johnson. (consideration: Cr S11187-11190)in The Nature Of A Substitute.


S.amdt.2732 Amendment Sa 2732 Proposed By Senator Johnson To Amendment Sa 2730. (consideration: Cr S11191; Text: Cr S11191)to Make A Technical Amendment Regarding The Designation Of Funds.


S.amdt.2732 Amendment Sa 2732 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


Received In The Senate. Read Twice. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 106.


Rule H. Res. 622 Passed House.


Considered Under The Provisions Of Rule H. Res. 622. (consideration: Cr H7960-7992; Text Of Measure As Reported In House: Cr H7976-7983)


Rule Provides For Consideration Of H.r. 3082 With 1 Hour Of General Debate. Previous Question Shall Be Considered As Ordered Without Intervening Motions Except Motion To Recommit With Or Without Instructions. Measure Will Be Considered Read. Specified Amendments Are In Order. The Bill Shall Be Considered As Read Through Page 58, Line 6. Points Of Order Against Provisions In The Bill For Failure To Comply With Clause 2 Of Rule Xxi Are Waived. Notwithstanding Clause 11 Of Rule Xviii, Except As Provided In Section 2, No Amendment Shall Be In Order Except The Amendments Printed In The Report Of The Committee On Rules Accompanying This Resolution. All Points Of Order Against Such Amendments Are Waived Except Those Arising Under Clause 9 Or 10 Of Rule Xxi.


House Resolved Itself Into The Committee Of The Whole House On The State Of The Union Pursuant To H. Res. 622 And Rule Xviii.


The Speaker Designated The Honorable Tammy Baldwin To Act As Chairwoman Of The Committee.


General Debate - The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With One Hour Of General Debate On H.r. 3082.


H.amdt.313 Amendment (a002) Offered By Mr. Edwards (tx). (consideration: H7983-7984; Text: Cr H7983)amendment Provides An Additional $1 Million In Funding (by Transfer) For Eductional Debt Forgiveness For Mental Health Care Professionals Who Agree To Employment At The Department Of Veterans Affairs.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 622, The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With 10 Minutes Of Debate On The Edwards (tx) Amendment.


H.amdt.313 On Agreeing To The Edwards (tx) Amendment (a002) Agreed To By Voice Vote.


H.amdt.314 Amendment (a003) Offered By Mr. Filner. (consideration: H7984-7985; Text: Cr H7984)amendment Increases The Level Of Funding By Offset For The United States Olympic Committee's Paralympic Veterans Program By $3.5 Million.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 622, The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With 10 Minutes Of Debate On The Filner Amendment.


H.amdt.314 On Agreeing To The Filner Amendment (a003) Agreed To By Voice Vote.


H.amdt.315 Amendment (a004) Offered By Mrs. Capito. (consideration: Cr H7985-7986; Text: Cr H7985)amendment Increases The Level Of Funding By Offset For The Veterans' Legal Services Account By $1 Million.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 622, The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With 10 Minutes Of Debate On The Capito Amendment.


H.amdt.315 On Agreeing To The Capito Amendment (a004) Agreed To By Voice Vote.


H.amdt.316 Amendment (a005) Offered By Mr. Garrett (nj). (consideration: H7986; Text: Cr H7986)amendment Increases Funding For The Grants For Construction Of State Veterans Cemeteries Account By $4 Million Offset By A $4 Million Reduction In Funding From The Grants For Construction, Minor Projects Account.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 622, The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With 10 Minutes Of Debate On The Garrett (nj) Amendment.


H.amdt.316 On Agreeing To The Garrett (nj) Amendment (a005) Agreed To By Voice Vote.


H.amdt.317 Amendment (a006) Offered By Mr. Sessions. (consideration: Cr H7986-7987; Text: Cr H7986)amendment Requires, Not Later Than 60 Days After The Date Of The Enactment Of This Act, That The Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Shall Submit To Congress A Report On The Use Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (hbot) In Va Medical Facilities. The Report Shall Include The Number Of Veterans Being Treated With Hbot, The Types Of Conditions Being Treated With Hbot And Their Respective Success Rates, And The Current Inventory Of Hyperbaric Chambers.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 622, The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With 10 Minutes Of Debate On The Sessions Amendment.


H.amdt.317 On Agreeing To The Sessions Amendment (a006) Agreed To By Voice Vote.


H.amdt.318 Amendment (a007) Offered By Mr. Flake. (consideration: H7987-7990, H7991; Text: Cr H7987-7989)amendment Sought To Prohibit Funding For All Of The Member-requested Earmarks For Military Construction Projects.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 622, The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With 10 Minutes Of Debate On The Flake Amendment.


Postponed Proceedings - At The Conclusion Of Debate On The Flake Amendment, The Chair Put The Question On Adoption Of The Amendment And By Voice Vote, Announced That The Noes Had Prevailed. Mr. Flake Demanded A Recorded Vote And The Chair Postponed Further Proceedings On The Question Of Adoption Of The Amendment Until Later In The Legislative Day.


H.amdt.319 Amendment (a008) Offered By Ms. Moore (wi). (consideration: H7990-7991; Text: Cr H7990)amendment Prohibits The Use Of Funds In This Bill For The Use Of "enhanced Use Leases" At The Three Original National Homes For Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (soldier's Home Branches) Established Before 1868.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H.res. 622, The Committee Of The Whole Proceeded With 10 Minutes Of Debate On The Moore (wi) Amendment.


H.amdt.319 On Agreeing To The Moore (wi) Amendment (a008) Agreed To By Voice Vote.


Unfinished Business - The Chair Announced That The Unfinished Business Was The Question Of Adoption Of Amendments Which Had Been Debated Earlier And On Which Further Proceedings Had Been Postponed.


H.amdt.318 On Agreeing To The Flake Amendment (a007) Failed By Recorded Vote: 62 - 358 (roll No. 528).


The House Rose From The Committee Of The Whole House On The State Of The Union To Report H.r. 3082.


The Previous Question Was Ordered Pursuant To The Rule. (consideration: Cr H7991)


The House Adopted The Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute As Agreed To By The Committee Of The Whole House On The State Of The Union.


On Passage Passed By The Yeas And Nays: 415 - 3 (roll No. 529).


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 622 Reported To House. Rule Provides For Consideration Of H.r. 3082 With 1 Hour Of General Debate. Previous Question Shall Be Considered As Ordered Without Intervening Motions Except Motion To Recommit With Or Without Instructions. Measure Will Be Considered Read. Specified Amendments Are In Order. The Bill Shall Be Considered As Read Through Page 58, Line 6. Points Of Order Against Provisions In The Bill For Failure To Comply With Clause 2 Of Rule Xxi Are Waived. Notwithstanding Clause 11 Of Rule Xviii, Except As Provided In Section 2, No Amendment Shall Be In Order Except The Amendments Printed In The Report Of The Committee On Rules Accompanying This Resolution. All Points Of Order Against Such Amendments Are Waived Except Those Arising Under Clause 9 Or 10 Of Rule Xxi.


The House Committee On Appropriations Reported An Original Measure, H. Rept. 111-188, By Mr. Edwards (tx).


Placed On The Union Calendar, Calendar No. 101.



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