A resolution to grant subpoena power to the House Select Committee to Examine the Qualifications of Representatives Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser.

HR 137 A resolution to grant subpoena power to the House Select Committee to Examine the Qualifications of Representatives Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser

Michigan 98th Legislature

A resolution to grant subpoena power to the House Select Committee to Examine the Qualifications of Representatives Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser.

About HR-137

A resolution to grant subpoena power to the House Select Committee to Examine the Qualifications of Representatives Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser.


Bill Texts

Introduced 09/09/2015

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Motion To Discharge Committee Approved


Referred To Committee On Government Operations


Notice Given To Discharge Committee


Introduced By Representative John Chirkun


Referred To Committee On Select Committee To Examine The Qualifications Of Representatives Cindy Gamrat And Todd Courser
