Recognizing March 17, 2024, as "St. Patrick's Day" and designating October 7, 2024, as "The 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ireland and the United States of America Day" in Pennsylvania.

HR 305 Recognizing March 17, 2024, as "St Patrick's Day" and designating October 7, 2024, as "The 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ireland and the United States of America Day" in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania 2023-2024 Regular Session

Recognizing March 17, 2024, as "St. Patrick's Day" and designating October 7, 2024, as "The 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ireland and the United States of America Day" in Pennsylvania.

About HR-305

A Resolution recognizing March 17, 2024, as "St. Patrick's Day" and designating October 7, 2024, as "The 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ireland and the United States of America Day" in Pennsylvania.


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