Provides for initiative and referendum and recall; empowers the electors with the ability to propose statutes and amendments to the constitution, to approve or reject statutes or parts of statutes; and to remove elective officers.

AB 6815 Provides for initiative and referendum and recall; empowers the electors with the ability to propose statutes and amendments to the constitution, to approve or reject statutes or parts of statutes; and to remove elective officers

New York 2009 General Assembly

Provides for initiative and referendum and recall; empowers the electors with the ability to propose statutes and amendments to the constitution, to approve or reject statutes or parts of statutes; and to remove elective officers.

About AB-6815

To foster greater participatory democracy in New York State by allowing voters to: 1) place proposed laws on the ballot for New Yorkers to adopt or reject ("initiative"); 2) place an already existing law on the ballot for New Yorkers to reject or accept ("referendum"); and 3) place the question of whether to remove and replace a public official on the ballot ("recall").


Bill Texts

Introduced 07/27/2010

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Referred To Judiciary


Opinion Referred To Judiciary


To Attorney-general For Opinion


Referred To Judiciary
