Expressing condolences upon the passing of Hannah Rose Ginion of Levittown and honoring her life and the contributions she made to strengthen the laws of this Commonwealth.

HR 146 Expressing condolences upon the passing of Hannah Rose Ginion of Levittown and honoring her life and the contributions she made to strengthen the laws of this Commonwealth

Pennsylvania 2015-2016 Regular Session

Expressing condolences upon the passing of Hannah Rose Ginion of Levittown and honoring her life and the contributions she made to strengthen the laws of this Commonwealth.

About HR-146

A Resolution expressing condolences upon the passing of Hannah Rose Ginion of Levittown and honoring her life and the contributions she made to strengthen the laws of this Commonwealth.


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House Floor: HR 146 PN 819


Yeas: 200 | Nays: 0
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Introduced As Noncontroversial Resolution Under Rule 35
