Truth in Advertising Act of 2014

HB 4341 Truth in Advertising Act of 2014

US Congress 113th Congress

Truth in Advertising Act of 2014

About HB-4341

Truth in Advertising Act of 2014 - Directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to submit a report to Congress that contains:

  • (1) a strategy to reduce the use, in advertising and other media for the promotion of commercial products, of images that have been altered to materially change the physical characteristics of the faces and bodies of the individuals depicted; and
  • (2) recommendations for a risk-based regulatory framework with respect to such use

Requires the FTC to solicit input from external stakeholders and experts including, to the extent practicable, from:

  • (1) stakeholders that are geographically and culturally diverse; and
  • (2) experts from physical and mental health, business, and consumer advocacy communities.


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Introduced 04/01/2014

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