Montgomery County - Nuisances in Multidwelling Buildings - Private Right of Action MC 10-13

HB 676 Montgomery County Nuisances in Multidwelling Buildings Private Right of Action MC 10 13

Maryland 2013 Regular Session

Montgomery County - Nuisances in Multidwelling Buildings - Private Right of Action MC 10-13

About HB-676

Providing that an individual who resides in Montgomery County and has been harmed by a specified type of nuisance may bring an action to abate the nuisance or for other compensatory or equitable relief against the person found to have created the nuisance; and altering the definition of "nuisance", in Montgomery County only, to include tobacco smoke that drifts from specified units into a specified residential dwelling unit in a multidwelling building more than once in a consecutive 14-day period.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/01/2013

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Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Environmental Matters
