As introduced, revises the provisions governing the adoption of the budget for a county legislative body; specifies that if the board of education, county mayor, and county budget committee are unable to agree upon the budget for the county department of education by August 31, then the budget will be equal to the budget of the preceding year less any one-time federal or state funds. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 12, Part 2.

SB 2127 As introduced, revises the provisions governing the adoption of the budget for a county legislative body; specifies that if the board of education, county mayor, and county budget committee are unable to agree upon the budget for the county department of education by August 31, then the budget will be equal to the budget of the preceding year less any one time federal or state funds Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 12, Part 2

Tennessee 109th General Assembly

As introduced, revises the provisions governing the adoption of the budget for a county legislative body; specifies that if the board of education, county mayor, and county budget committee are unable to agree upon the budget for the county department of education by August 31, then the budget will be equal to the budget of the preceding year less any one-time federal or state funds. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 12, Part 2.

About SB-2127

As introduced, revises the provisions governing the adoption of the budget for a county legislative body; specifies that if the board of education, county mayor, and county budget committee are unable to agree upon the budget for the county department of education by August 31, then the budget will be equal to the budget of the preceding year less any one-time federal or state funds. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 12, Part 2.


Bill Texts

Draft 02/02/2016

Draft 01/21/2016

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Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate State And Local Government Committee


Placed On Senate State And Local Government Committee Calendar For 3/22/2016


Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate State And Local Government Committee


Filed For Introduction


Introduced, Passed On First Consideration
