AN ACT relating to cruelty to animals.

SB 142 AN ACT relating to cruelty to animals

Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to cruelty to animals.

About SB-142

Amend KRS 525.130 to change mental state to knowing or reckless; delete domestic animal killed by poisoning; add requirements of legal food processing, customary veterinary practices performed by a licensed veterinarian, horse racing not governed by federal law, reasonable defense, and accepted animal or pest control practices; add requirement of legality for animals hunting; strike language regarding "equine" under penalty portion and allow costs for any animal; amend KRS 525.135 to define "physical injury" and "reasonable costs"; add knowing or reckless to mental state; delete misdemeanor Class A language; add requirement for customary veterinary practices performed by a licensed veterinarian and reasonable defense; add language for penalties the court may impose; create a new section of KRS Chapter 525 to create crime of "extreme neglect" and make it a Class D felony; define "extreme neglect," "physical injury," and "reasonable costs"; create exemptions and establish penalties court may impose.


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