Department of Aging - Assisted Living Program Subsidies - Determinations

HB 564 Department of Aging Assisted Living Program Subsidies Determinations

Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Department of Aging - Assisted Living Program Subsidies - Determinations

About HB-564

Requiring the Secretary of Aging to pay to certain low-income seniors up to a $1,500 subsidy from State general funds to help low-income seniors reside in assisted living programs; increasing, except under certain circumstances, a certain subsidy in effect for certain periods of time based on annual growth in the consumer price index; requiring an applicable area agency to determine the amount of the monthly subsidy for a resident of an assisted living program and, in doing so, to make a certain deduction for personal expenses; etc.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 03/10/2020

Introduced 01/28/2020

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Third Reading Passed


Yeas: 135 | Nays: 3
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