Relating to the disclosure of certain gifts, grants, contracts, and financial interests received from a foreign source by certain state agencies, public institutions of higher education, and state contractors, and to the approval and monitoring of employment-related foreign travel and activities by certain public institution of higher education employees; providing civil and administrative penalties.

SB 2459 Relating to the disclosure of certain gifts, grants, contracts, and financial interests received from a foreign source by certain state agencies, public institutions of higher education, and state contractors, and to the approval and monitoring of employment related foreign travel and activities by certain public institution of higher education employees; providing civil and administrative penalties

Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the disclosure of certain gifts, grants, contracts, and financial interests received from a foreign source by certain state agencies, public institutions of higher education, and state contractors, and to the approval and monitoring of employment-related foreign travel and activities by certain public institution of higher education employees; providing civil and administrative penalties.

About SB-2459

Relating to the disclosure of certain gifts, grants, contracts, and financial interests received from a foreign source by certain state agencies, public institutions of higher education, and state contractors, and to the approval and monitoring of employment-related foreign travel and activities by certain public institution of higher education employees; providing civil and administrative penalties.


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/10/2023

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