An Act To Amend Title 15 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Campaign Contributions And Expenditures.

SB 155 An Act To Amend Title 15 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Campaign Contributions And Expenditures

Delaware 148th General Assembly

An Act To Amend Title 15 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Campaign Contributions And Expenditures.

About SB-155

This Act amends Delaware campaign finance laws to permit political parties to establish a segregated bank account, known as a building fund, to be used pay for telephone and other communications services and for the rental or purchase of equipment, office supplies, or an office or building. This Act also contains disclosure and reporting requirements related to a political party’s building fund. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the guidelines of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual.


Bill Texts

Draft 06/24/2015

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