A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that defense laboratories are on the cutting-edge of scientific and technological advancement, and supporting the designation of May 18, 2017, as "Department of Defense Laboratory Day".

SR 161 A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that defense laboratories are on the cutting edge of scientific and technological advancement, and supporting the designation of May 18, 2017, as "Department of Defense Laboratory Day"

US Congress 115th Congress

A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that defense laboratories are on the cutting-edge of scientific and technological advancement, and supporting the designation of May 18, 2017, as "Department of Defense Laboratory Day".

About SR-161

A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that defense laboratories are on the cutting-edge of scientific and technological advancement, and supporting the designation of May 18, 2017, as "Department of Defense Laboratory Day". Supports the designation of the Department of Defense Laboratory Day.


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Introduced 05/11/2017

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