Electronic Smoking Devices - Regulation and Taxation

HB 861 Electronic Smoking Devices Regulation and Taxation

Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Electronic Smoking Devices - Regulation and Taxation

About HB-861

Altering specified definitions and defining specified terms for the purpose of applying specified provisions of law regulating the sale, manufacture, distribution, possession, and use of cigarettes and tobacco products and paraphernalia to electronic smoking devices; altering the definition of "cigarette" for the purpose of applying the provisions of law related to the tobacco tax to the sale of electronic smoking devices; repealing an obsolete provision of law; and making conforming changes.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/09/2016

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Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn


Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. (economic Matters)


First Reading Economic Matters And Ways And Means
