AB 211 A property owner's right to refuse entry into his or her home for assessment purposes and conditions for appearing before the board of review
Wisconsin 2017-2018 Regular Session
A property owner's right to refuse entry into his or her home for assessment purposes and conditions for appearing before the board of review.
About AB-211
An Act to repeal 70.47
(7) (aa); to amend 70.05 (4m), 70.47
(2) and 74.37
(4) (a); and to create 70.05 (4n) of the statutes; Relating to: a property owner's right to refuse entry into his or her home for assessment purposes and conditions for appearing before the board of review.
AB-211: A property owner's right to refuse entry into his or her home for assessment purposes and conditions for appearing before the board of review.
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