In-state students; admission at certain higher educational institutions.

HB 1083 In state students; admission at certain higher educational institutions

Virginia 2012 Regular Session

In-state students; admission at certain higher educational institutions.

About HB-1083

Admission of in-state students at public institutions of higher education. Provides that the board of visitors or other governing body of each public institution of higher education, except for Virginia Military Institute, Norfolk State University, and Virginia State University, must establish rules and regulations requiring that at least 75 percent of students admitted and enrolled at the institution be Virginia domiciles.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/11/2012

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House: Left In Education


House: Assigned Education Sub: Higher Education And Arts


House: Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/12 12100638d


House: Referred To Committee On Education

