Protecting Our Kids' Medicine Act of 2017

HB 1586 Protecting Our Kids' Medicine Act of 2017

US Congress 115th Congress

Protecting Our Kids' Medicine Act of 2017

About HB-1586

Protecting Our Kids' Medicine Act of 2017 This bill amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to prohibit the sale of liquid formulations of over-the-counter drugs that are not packaged with a dosage delivery device, such as a calibrated cup or spoon, and that do not have measurements on the label and on the dosage delivery device exclusively in metric units. The Food and Drug Administration may waive the requirement for metric units if that requirement would not benefit public health. Over-the-counter liquid drugs labeled for pediatric use may not be sold without a flow restrictor or another mechanism to reduce accidental ingestion.


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/23/2017

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