Unclaimed Property, disposition by State Treasurer, provide clarification, require electronic reportings, allow surviving parent to claim abandoned property from child who dies intestate, Secs. 35-12-72, 35-12-76, 35-12-79, 35-12-82, 35-12-84, 35-12-86, 35-12-93 am'd

HB 281 Unclaimed Property, disposition by State Treasurer, provide clarification, require electronic reportings, allow surviving parent to claim abandoned property from child who dies intestate, Secs 35 12 72, 35 12 76, 35 12 79, 35 12 82, 35 12 84, 35 12 86, 35 12 93 am'd

Alabama Regular Session 2012

Unclaimed Property, disposition by State Treasurer, provide clarification, require electronic reportings, allow surviving parent to claim abandoned property from child who dies intestate, Secs. 35-12-72, 35-12-76, 35-12-79, 35-12-82, 35-12-84, 35-12-86, 35-12-93 am'd

About HB-281

Unclaimed Property, disposition by State Treasurer, provide clarification, require electronic reportings, allow surviving parent to claim abandoned property from child who dies intestate, Secs. 35-12-72, 35-12-76, 35-12-79, 35-12-82, 35-12-84, 35-12-86, 35-12-93 am'd


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/09/2012

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