As introduced, requires two-thirds vote of both houses to exceed Copeland spending cap; requires speaker to announce that cap has been exceeded at time of passage and upon adjournment of the annual session of the general assembly. - Amends TCA Title 3, Chapter 1; Title 3, Chapter 2 and Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 52.

HB 2403 As introduced, requires two thirds vote of both houses to exceed Copeland spending cap; requires speaker to announce that cap has been exceeded at time of passage and upon adjournment of the annual session of the general assembly Amends TCA Title 3, Chapter 1; Title 3, Chapter 2 and Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 52

Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As introduced, requires two-thirds vote of both houses to exceed Copeland spending cap; requires speaker to announce that cap has been exceeded at time of passage and upon adjournment of the annual session of the general assembly. - Amends TCA Title 3, Chapter 1; Title 3, Chapter 2 and Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 52.

About HB-2403

As introduced, requires two-thirds vote of both houses to exceed Copeland spending cap; requires speaker to announce that cap has been exceeded at time of passage and upon adjournment of the annual session of the general assembly. - Amends TCA Title 3, Chapter 1; Title 3, Chapter 2 and Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 52.


Bill Texts

Draft 02/05/2014

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