HR 240 Impeaching Lawrence Samuel Krasner, District Attorney of Philadelphia, for misbehavior in office; and providing for the appointment of trial managers
Pennsylvania 2021-2022 Regular Session
Impeaching Lawrence Samuel Krasner, District Attorney of Philadelphia, for misbehavior in office; and providing for the appointment of trial managers.
About HR-240
A Resolution impeaching Lawrence Samuel Krasner, District Attorney of Philadelphia, for misbehavior in office; and providing for the appointment of trial managers.
HR-240: Impeaching Lawrence Samuel Krasner, District Attorney of Philadelphia, for misbehavior in office; and providing for the appointment of trial managers.
You have voted HR-240: Impeaching Lawrence Samuel Krasner, District Attorney of Philadelphia, for misbehavior in office; and providing for the appointment of trial managers..
The Following Members Were Appointed To Serve On The Select Committee: Representative Timothy Bonner Representative Craig Williams Representative Jared Solomon
The Following Members Were Appointed To Serve On The Select Committee: Representative Craig Williams - Chairman, Representative Timothy Bonner, Representative Jared Solomon