Resettlement Accountability National Security Prioritization Act of 2016       Official Titles:     Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced: To suspend, and subsequently terminate, the admission of certain refugees, to examine the impact on the national security of the United States of admitting refugees, to examine the costs of providing benefits to such individuals, and for other purposes.

HB 5816 Resettlement Accountability National Security Prioritization Act of 2016 Official Titles: Official Titles House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced: To suspend, and subsequently terminate, the admission of certain refugees, to examine the impact on the national security of the United States of admitting refugees, to examine the costs of providing benefits to such individuals, and for other purposes

US Congress 114th Congress

Resettlement Accountability National Security Prioritization Act of 2016 Official Titles: Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced: To suspend, and subsequently terminate, the admission of certain refugees, to examine the impact on the national security of the United States of admitting refugees, to examine the costs of providing benefits to such individuals, and for other purposes.

About HB-5816

Resettlement Accountability National Security Prioritization Act of 2016 Official Titles: Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced: To suspend, and subsequently terminate, the admission of certain refugees, to examine the impact on the national security of the United States of admitting refugees, to examine the costs of providing benefits to such individuals, and for other purposes. This bill prohibits the admission of covered aliens into the United States for four years unless Congress passes a joint resolution giving the Department of Homeland Security authority to admit them. No covered alien may be admitted into the United States after such four-year period. "Covered alien" means an alien applying for refugee admission to the United States who:

  • (1) is a national of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, or Yemen; or
  • (2) has no nationality and whose last habitual residence was in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, or Yemen

The Government Accountability Office shall report on:

  • (1) the national security impact of refugee admissions; and
  • (2) specified costs of providing refugees with benefits under Medicare, Medicaid, disability insurance under title II of the Social Security Act, the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP, formerly the food stamp program), and section 8 rental assistance.


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Introduced 08/01/2016

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