Drains; maintenance and improvement; expenditures and assessments without petition; increase maximum amounts. Amends sec. 196 of 1956 PA 40 (MCL 280.196).

HB 5060 Drains; maintenance and improvement; expenditures and assessments without petition; increase maximum amounts Amends sec 196 of 1956 PA 40 (MCL 280 196)

Michigan 100th Legislature

Drains; maintenance and improvement; expenditures and assessments without petition; increase maximum amounts. Amends sec. 196 of 1956 PA 40 (MCL 280.196).

About HB-5060

Drains; maintenance and improvement; expenditures and assessments without petition; increase maximum amounts. Amends sec. 196 of 1956 PA 40 (MCL 280.196).


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Introduced 10/08/2019

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Referred To Committee On Ways And Means


Bill Electronically Reproduced 10/10/2019


Introduced By Representative Alex Garza


Read A First Time


Referred To Committee On Local Government And Municipal Finance
