Foster Care Recipients and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth - Employment Program (Fostering Employment Act of 2018)

HB 431 Foster Care Recipients and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Employment Program (Fostering Employment Act of 2018)

Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Foster Care Recipients and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth - Employment Program (Fostering Employment Act of 2018)

About HB-431

Establishing the Fostering Employment Program to provide employment opportunities for foster care recipients and unaccompanied homeless youth; requiring the Department of Human Services, in coordination with the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, to develop and implement the Program and coordinate with local human services and employment entities; providing that a foster care recipient or an unaccompanied homeless youth who is not exempt from paying tuition is eligible to receive funding under certain circumstances; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/24/2018

Engrossed 03/13/2018

Chaptered 05/11/2018

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Sponsors (45)


Senate Floor - Third Reading Passed (45-0)


Yeas: 46 | Nays: 1
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House Floor - Third Reading Passed (134-0)


Yeas: 135 | Nays: 1
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