Assessment of wind power devices. Requires a public utility company that owns or operates a wind power device after a change in ownership of the wind power device to report, when filing its first statement of value and description of property with the department of local government finance (department), the valuation of the device at the same valuation amount that the previous owner reported on the previous owner's last annual report before the change in ownership if the valuation amount that the acquiring public utility company would otherwise enter on its first report is lower than the valuation amount at which the previous owner valued the wind power device before the change in ownership. Requires the new owner, for years subsequent to the first year after the change in ownership, to calculate and report the valuation of the wind power device in accordance with:
Provides that for any year subsequent to the first year after the change in ownership of a wind power device, the department, in determining the just value of the property, shall not consider valuations determined by another governmental agency. Provides that these requirements do not apply to a public utility company that owns or operates one or more wind power devices and that has signed or countersigned an economic development agreement, or another financial agreement, that is entered into:
Requires the department to make necessary conforming changes to the annual report form. Requires the Indiana utility regulatory commission to include a provision in an order declining to exercise jurisdiction over a public utility company that:
Requires that before November 1, 2024, and before November 1, 2025, the department shall prepare, submit in an electronic format, and present a report on:
Amends the Indiana Code provision that sets forth how the department is to determine the just value of the property of a public utility company to provide an exception from the specified procedures with respect to the determination of the just value of wind power devices.