Relating to entry onto private property by natural gas companies

HB 4168 Relating to entry onto private property by natural gas companies

West Virginia 2018 Regular Session

Relating to entry onto private property by natural gas companies

About HB-4168

The purpose of this bill is to permit natural gas companies federally regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and doing business in interstate commerce to enter private property without prior consent from the owner for the limited purposes of obtaining data to comply with regulatory requirements or to survey land for interstate pipeline or pipeline facility development. This bill also requires natural gas companies to request permission from the owner to inspect property and to provide the owner notice of intent to enter property prior to entry. The bill further preempts entries authorized under this section from being deemed either a trespass or a taking and limits a property owner’s liability with respect to the company’s entry.


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Filed For Introduction


To Energy Then Judiciary


Introduced In House


To House Energy

