AN ACT relating to cervids.

HB 700 AN ACT relating to cervids

Kentucky 2025 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to cervids.

About HB-700

Amend KRS 150.740 and 257.550 to prohibit the export of a cervid carcass or wild cervid outside of a chronic wasting disease surveillance zone; prohibit the export of a captive cervid outside of a 10-mile radius of a chronic wasting disease positive captive cervid facility; establish exemptions to the movement of cervid parts; allow breeding of captive cervids inside the facility in which the cervid is housed; require that the chronic wasting disease surveillance zone remain disease free for a period of five years; exempt prior chronic wasting disease positive detections from restrictions.


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Bill Sponsors


Floor Amendment (1) Filed To Committee Substitute


2nd Reading, To Rules


Reported Favorably, 1st Reading, To Calendar With Committee Substitute (1) And Committee Amendment (1-title)


To Tourism & Outdoor Recreation (h)


Introduced In House


To Committee On Committees (h)
