Courts - Service of Process - Increase in Sheriff's Fees - Distribution to Rental Allowance Program Fund

SB 156 Courts Service of Process Increase in Sheriff's Fees Distribution to Rental Allowance Program Fund

Maryland 2013 Regular Session

Courts - Service of Process - Increase in Sheriff's Fees - Distribution to Rental Allowance Program Fund

About SB-156

Increasing fees for service of process of papers by a sheriff; requiring that $10 of the fees be distributed to a fund established for the Rental Allowance Program of the Department of Housing and Community Development; establishing the Rental Allowance Program Fund; specifying that the Fund is a special, nonlapsing fund; providing that the money in the Fund may be used only for specified purposes; adding the Fund to the list of funds the interest earnings of which are exempt from accruing to the General Fund of the State; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/17/2013

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Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings


Hearing 2/05 At 1:00 P.m. (judicial Proceedings)


First Reading Judicial Proceedings And Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs
