HR 859 Honoring Mr Andrew J Sordoni III for his outstanding and dedicated service to society, including his 40 years of service as a member of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry
Pennsylvania 2011-2012 Regular Session
Honoring Mr. Andrew J. Sordoni III for his outstanding and dedicated service to society, including his 40 years of service as a member of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.
About HR-859
A Resolution honoring Mr. Andrew J. Sordoni III for his outstanding and dedicated service to society, including his 40 years of service as a member of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.
HR-859: Honoring Mr. Andrew J. Sordoni III for his outstanding and dedicated service to society, including his 40 years of service as a member of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.
You have voted HR-859: Honoring Mr. Andrew J. Sordoni III for his outstanding and dedicated service to society, including his 40 years of service as a member of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry..