Revise the limitations on a municipality's power to take actions for the promotion of health or the suppression of disease.

HB 1093 Revise the limitations on a municipality's power to take actions for the promotion of health or the suppression of disease

South Dakota 2021 Regular Session

Revise the limitations on a municipality's power to take actions for the promotion of health or the suppression of disease.

About HB-1093

Revise the limitations on a municipality's power to take actions for the promotion of health or the suppression of disease.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/26/2021

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Sponsors (6)


House Local Government: Deferred to the 41st legislative day


Yeas: 12 | Nays: 1
Support by Party


House Local Government: Do Pass


Yeas: 0 | Nays: 0

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