Vegetative growth on certain property; maintenance.

HB 1054 Vegetative growth on certain property; maintenance

Virginia 2025 Regular Session

Vegetative growth on certain property; maintenance.

About HB-1054

Maintenance of vegetative growth on certain property. Provides that a locality may require the owner of property that (i) was formerly used as a golf course but where such use has been discontinued and (ii) abuts an area zoned for residential purposes to maintain the vegetative growth on the former golf course property in a manner that (a) prevents such property from becoming a detriment to the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the abutting residential area and (b) does not change the character of the former golf course property so as to be incompatible with the surrounding residential area. The bill further provides that whenever the locality deems it necessary, after reasonable notice as determined by the locality, the locality may have its agents or employees cut or maintain the vegetative growth, in which event the cost and expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the locality as taxes are collected. An enactment clause states that the provisions of the bill are declarative of existing law.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/10/2024

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Continued To 2025 In Local Government (14-y 0-n)


Constitutional Reading Dispensed


Referred To Committee On Local Government


Constitutional Reading Dispensed (on 1st Reading)


Read Third Time And Passed House (75-y 23-n)


Vote: Passage (75-y 23-n)


Read Second Time And Engrossed


Read First Time


Subcommittee Recommends Reporting (8-y 0-n)


Reported From Counties, Cities And Towns (19-y 3-n)


Assigned Cc & T Sub: Subcommittee #1


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/10/24 24100022d


Referred To Committee On Counties, Cities And Towns
