Relates to establishing the municipal severe storm relief fund for Rockaway, Queens to be administered by the division of homeland security and emergency services for damages that occurred as a result of Hurricane Sandy which caused damage from October twenty-ninth through November third, two thousand twelve.

SB 1470 Relates to establishing the municipal severe storm relief fund for Rockaway, Queens to be administered by the division of homeland security and emergency services for damages that occurred as a result of Hurricane Sandy which caused damage from October twenty ninth through November third, two thousand twelve

New York 2019-2020 General Assembly

Relates to establishing the municipal severe storm relief fund for Rockaway, Queens to be administered by the division of homeland security and emergency services for damages that occurred as a result of Hurricane Sandy which caused damage from October twenty-ninth through November third, two thousand twelve.

About SB-1470

Relates to establishing the municipal severe storm relief fund for Rockaway, Queens to be administered by the division of homeland security and emergency services for damages that occurred as a result of Hurricane Sandy which caused damage from October twenty-ninth through November third, two thousand twelve.


Bill Texts

Amended 01/15/2019

Introduced 01/15/2019

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Referred To Veterans, Homeland Security And Military Affairs


Amend And Recommit To Veterans, Homeland Security And Military Affairs


Print Number 1470a


Referred To Veterans, Homeland Security And Military Affairs
